Herb Garden

The Evergreen Clinic has a large organic herb garden with hundreds of different medicinal herbs from around the world, not quite what you would expect for a property so close to the city centre. Surrounded by a mature hedge and two of the tallest trees in Cork city, the garden is quite private, providing a most tranquil space. With our varied range of plants, the herb garden is a haven for a wide variety of birds, butterflies and other creatures which struggle to find a friendly habitat.

Most of the plants in our herb garden are there for the pleasure of seeing them grow, to show interested patients examples of the herbs in their medicine and to help herbal medicine students to learn about and become familiar with different medicinal plants, though we do also grow enough of some herbs to harvest for making herbal medicines which we can use in the clinic.

We run guided herb walks in the garden on a few Saturdays through the summer, when one of the medical herbalists gives an introduction to the medicinal and other uses of many of the herbs. If you think you might be interested in coming along, drop us an email and we will get in touch with you a week or so beforehand.

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